An all-encompassing, non-discriminatory retirement savings and investment platform that allows clients to transfer, contribute and invest...

... regardless of pension value or type, wit the primary focus of making all pensions viewable, accessible and goal oriented.
What’s the big idea?
An all-encompassing, non-discriminatory retirement savings and investment platform that allows clients to transfer, contribute and invest – regardless of pension value or type, with the primary focus of making all pensions viewable, accessible and goal oriented. This offering will pivot around the clients’ needs at the right time for them which will include change of tax status, income, age and financial needs.
How will this idea benefit and impact your business?
The platform will be benefit both clients and Wealth Managers by;
- Increasing personalised engagement
- Enhancing productivity by reducing operational costs to manage pensions and savings
- Reducing investment fees for clients.
What would it take to make this idea a reality?
Combined participation by both Wealth Managers and investment teams willing to undertake a POC.
Why is this an original idea?
This would be one of the only platforms currently able to offer a combination of passive and active funds for pensions and savings accessible across multiple platforms.
If you would like to see the video for this solution please request it by clicking here
For further information on this or any other solutions contact or call on + 44 (0) 1493 861334