The Pulse


Keep your finger on The Pulse... Through our online, interactive portal providing insights on the biggest themes impacting the distribution landscape.


Why Now?

For the past 19 years, Owen James has brought together strategic heads from the largest distributors across the financial services landscape to strategise with each other. The objective has always been to create a platform for change for key influencers at a business and industry level.

To help facilitate this, before each event, we undertake quantitative research (the Scene Setter) to inform us of the biggest themes impacting each community. This then sets the tone for the strategic conversations within the sessions and ensure they don’t descend into a talking shop. Post the event we produce a write-up of the key findings from the roundtables (the qualitative research) and as a result of both, we have a rich library of data spanning almost two decades.

The library is an interactive platform, called The Pulse.


What can you expect?

The online platform will give you access to the following questions – allowing you to get to know the distributors better and see results in real time. 

  1. Barometer, How bullish is the market?
  2. What's keeping them up at night? The big picture, drilling into specific topics
  3. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats?
  4. What's hot?  The highest-ranked topics and key findings
  5. Partnerships made in heaven,  what are they looking for from providers?
  6. Sponsor/ Event specific, brand awareness, session scores & selections

The above questions can be segmented by community, geography and history.

How much does it cost?

£8,000 for two licenses (£1,000 for each additional license) and this gives you 25% discount on events.

For more information please contact one of the team:

