Research: Piece of Mind

We believe that capturing a Piece of your Mind is crucial to fielding a relevant and worthwhile engagement for all parties.
Capturing the mood:
In the run up to all Owen James' events, a substantial amount of research is carried out with the different participants to ensure a clear understanding of the issues at the top of their to do list.
The Quant stuff:
Where appropriate, they are also asked to provide company profiling data to enable Owen James to publish a snapshot of the industry at a moment in time.
The Qual stuff:
During the events themselves, the roundtable discussions are written up anonymously (Chatham House Rules rule!).
This substantial body of research is termed "A Piece of Mind".
At Owen James, we believe capturing that Piece of your Mind is absolutely crucial to providing a relevant and worthwhile engagement for all parties. Time is precious - we must make sure it is well-spent.