The Beacon Philanthropy and Impact Forum 2024

Old Library & Print Room, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AE

29 February 2024

The Beacon Philanthropy and Impact Forum 2024

The Beacon Philanthropy and Impact Forum 2024

  • 29 Feb 2024

    Old Library & Print Room, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AE

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The Beacon Philanthropy and Impact Forum will bring together 150 prominent philanthropists, social investors, thought leaders and sector pioneers. This is an exclusive event and participation is by invite only. 

In the words of António Guterres, Secretary General of the UN - Financing for sustainable development is at a crossroads. Either we close the yawning gap between political ambition and development financing, or, we will fail to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the deadline of 2030.

This message could not be more blunt. Now is the time when the impact community and financial community need to come together to break down the silos and find ways to drive forward the sustainable finance agenda to deliver a genuinely impact-led transition for people, planet and an equitable economic future.

The Beacon Philanthropy and Impact Forum is a unique event in the UK that convenes foundations and philanthropists, NGOs and non-profits, government and regulators, impact sector leaders and financial institutions sectors. All are experts in social and environmental impact and all are bound by a common goal, to grow the level of impact capital in the UK.

The Forum will be held at the Guildhall, London on 29 February 2024 and is sponsored by the City of London's Charitable Funding Arm City Bridge Trust.

How to get there!


It’s a day for changemakers to come together and dissect topics at the forefront of philanthropy. A range of roundtables will cover various subjects, the agendas to follow soon, but last year included:

  • Philanthropy and the great wealth transfer
  • Increasing diverse representation in philanthropy 
  • Place-making in action (with real-world examples)
  • The power and promise of peer support and influence
  • How to create a holistic investment portfolio
  • Celebrating feminine philanthropy and social investment
  • Has Covid19 and Ukraine changed our giving priorities?

Attendance at the event is by invitation only and to confirm your place, please select the request an invitation button to the top right of this page.

The finer details are:

What: The Beacon Philanthropy and Impact Forum 2024
Where: The Guildhall, London (thanks to the generosity of City Bridge Trust)
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm (GMT), with drinks reception afterwards

Your opinions are helping to drive change for philanthropy and investment in the UK and your support is greatly valued. Please join us in November for this important event. 




Sponsors & partners



City Bridge Trust



For more details about all the sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch.

Find out More


Old Library & Print Room, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AE
