Keep ahead with the latest news, interviews and updates from Owen James and hear what's going on in the financial services industry
What challenges are the wealth managers of private banks facing?
24 November 2016
NewsPiece of MindWealth Management and Private Banking
How can banks enhance customer engagement?
24 November 2016A Meeting of Minds Bank and Brand Distribution of Retail Financial Services - April 2017
NewsPiece of MindRetail Financial Services
Building a Culture of EveryDay Innovation – what are you waiting for?
Let’s talk about building a culture of EveryDay innovation. It’s one of our favourite topics, not just because I’ve written a book on it but because it really matters. As leaders we have to be thinking about innovation at a cultural level as we seek to evolve our organisations to become next generation businesses. Oh, and just to be clear, getting this right delivers game-changing, business transforming results. And, so why wouldn’t we want to talk about it!
25 October 2016
Financial AdvisoryPiece of MindRetail Financial ServicesWealth Management and Private Banking
Innovation - are you aware of how critical it is to your business?
If you want to know about innovation and how best to tackle it, look no further. I caught up with Cris Beswick, Strategic Advisor to Wazoku and author of ‘ The road to Innovation’ and ‘Building a Culture of Innovation’ to find out what he really thinks.
06 October 2016A Meeting of Minds Bank & Brand Distribution of Retail Financial Services - October 2016
InterviewPiece of MindRetail Financial Services
Innovation in the workplace – are you doing enough?
With innovation being vital to success in every business and with so many of us not quite knowing where to start or how drive it forward, I jumped at the chance to meet with Simon Hill the CEO and co-founder of Wazoku, a company that builds specialist Idea and Innovation Management software.
06 October 2016A Meeting of Minds Bank & Brand Distribution of Retail Financial Services - October 2016
InterviewPiece of MindRetail Financial Services
A Piece of Mind: Persuading your clients to hand over their data
08 September 2016A Meeting of Minds Bank & Brand Distribution of Retail Financial Services - October 2016
Piece of MindRetail Financial Services
Are you thinking about the world of partnerships?
08 September 2016A Meeting of Minds Bank & Brand Distribution of Retail Financial Services - October 2016
Piece of MindRetail Financial Services
A Piece of Mind: What is keeping the UK’s top Wealth Managers and Private Banks up at night?
23 June 2016A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management & Private Banking - June 2016
Piece of MindWealth Management and Private Banking
It’s a jungle out there - CEO sentiment as expressed in the run up to A Meeting of Minds Advisory Distributors
In the run up to A Meeting of Minds, we encourage our participants to open up! And according to the incredibly scientific index which we produce every six months, sentiment this June is quite a bit lower than it was last November. It has dropped from 8.00 to 7.73. It could be the uncertainty surrounding the EU referendum, or it could be that these CEOs of the nationals, networks and consolidators are not as upbeat as they perhaps could be!
16 June 2016
Piece of Mind
As one of our favourite participants at A Meeting of Minds, we caught up with Nick Cowen from Statehouse Group for a quick bit of Q&A around his thoughts on the challenges his business is currently facing.
26 May 2016
Financial AdvisoryInterviewPiece of Mind
A Piece of Mind : Attracting younger people into the advisory world
12 May 2016
Financial AdvisoryInterviewPiece of Mind
A Piece of Mind: Who are you looking at?
10 May 2016
Financial AdvisoryPiece of Mind