After each Meeting Owen James publish 'The Findings', a document that encapsulates and shares the key issues and topics discussed on the day.
Each section below summarises the different roundtable sessions and covers an array of industry driven topics.
The Findings are listed in Event date order, but don't just look for an event you attended, explore the research facility that gives you access to topics addressed at all our other Meetings – past and present.
Is it prime time for global bonds?
Expert: Alexandra Ralph, Portfolio Manager, Nedgroup Facilitator: Sam Shaw
17 October 2024A Meeting of Minds Gatekeepers - October 2024
M&A Perspectives - What can we Expect to see Happen with PE?
Expert: Roderic Rennison, Partner, Catalyst Partners Facilitator: Don Wild, Founder Wild Ochre Consulting
22 June 2023A Meeting of Minds Advisory Distributors - June 2023
Consumer DutyFinancial AdvisoryM&AMarket TrendsTechValuation
Big Impact - Why successful client lifecycle management is so critical to business success
Expert: David Barks Facilitator: Christine Cirani
08 June 2023A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - June 2023
Client Data ManagementDataInvestmentsRegulationValuationWealth Management and Private Banking
Value v. Growth: should portfolios have a style bias?
Expert: Mamdouh Medhat, Dimensional Facilitator: Paul Kearney
20 October 2022A Meeting of Minds Gatekeepers - October 2022
Fair Trade. The opportunities and challenges of M&A for growth in the current market environment
Expert: John Chapman, Catalyst Partners Ltd Facilitator: Roderic Rennison, Catalyst Partners Ltd
23 June 2022A Meeting of Minds Advisory Distributors - June 2022
AcquisitionFinancial AdvisoryIndependent Financial AdviserM&AMergerValuationWealth management
M&A Vs. organic growth. Is creating value and putting the client first mantra or myth?
Moderator: Richard Clarke, Hannam & Partners Expert: John Chapman, Catalyst Partners
09 June 2022A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - June 2022
compliancePricingPrivate EquityRelationshipsretailValuationWealth Management and Private Banking