After each Meeting Owen James publish 'The Findings', a document that encapsulates and shares the key issues and topics discussed on the day.
Each section below summarises the different roundtable sessions and covers an array of industry driven topics.
The Findings are listed in Event date order, but don't just look for an event you attended, explore the research facility that gives you access to topics addressed at all our other Meetings – past and present.
ESG – what does it mean to you, your business and your clients?
Expert: David Beacham, Business Development Director, Head of Regional Sales, Facilitator: Jo Goddard, Green & Good Consulting
14 October 2021A Meeting of Minds - Winning Advisers - South - 14 October 2021
ClientClient ExperienceCommunicationCultureEngagementESGFinancial AdvisoryMarketingRegulationRelationshipsRiskValuesYour clients
Growth, people and the future firm. A study of advisory firm insights, based on 2021 research.
Expert: David Jones, Head of UK & Ireland Advisor Group and Vice President and Steven Greenfield, Regional Director & Vice President. Facilitator: Martyn Laverick Divisional Director M&A, Paul Harper Search and Selection
14 October 2021A Meeting of Minds - Winning Advisers - South - 14 October 2021
A Meeting of Minds Winning AdvisersAdvisorsBusiness developmentBusiness ModelCommunicationCultureEmployeeEmployee engagementEmploymentFinancial AdvisoryGrowthHybridHybrid WorkingleadershipManagementMeeting of MindsPeoplePerformanceRecruitmentRelationshipsremote workingResearchTalentTeamThe FutureTrustValuesYour business
Talent Wins Games, But Teamwork And Intelligence Win Championships
Expert: Yasmina Siadatan, Sales & Marketing Director. Facilitator: Roderic Rennison, Rennison Consulting
14 October 2021A Meeting of Minds - Winning Advisers - South - 14 October 2021
Business developmentCultureEmployeeEmployee engagementEmployee Value PropositionFinancial AdvisoryGrowthHumanHybridHybrid WorkingleadershipMeeting of MindsPeoplePerformanceRecruitmentRelationshipsremote workingRetentionSuccessTalentTeamTech futuresTechnologyThe FutureTrainingValuesWinning AdvisersYour business