After each Meeting Owen James publish 'The Findings', a document that encapsulates and shares the key issues and topics discussed on the day.
Each section below summarises the different roundtable sessions and covers an array of industry driven topics.
The Findings are listed in Event date order, but don't just look for an event you attended, explore the research facility that gives you access to topics addressed at all our other Meetings – past and present.
Regulate and Reform – Managing the new risks, rules, and requirements
Expert: Sandy McGregor, Head of Policy, SimplyBiz Facilitator: Rupert Neville, Senior Change Management Consultant
05 October 2023A Meeting of Minds Winning Advisers South - October 2023
AdviceConsumer DutyFCAFinancial AdvisoryRegulationsustainable
Risk-reward: Is it the adviser's role to promote sustainable investing?
Expert: Andy Ford & Fabian Wiesner Facilitator: Helen Clark
24 November 2022A Meeting of Minds Advisory Distributors - November 2022
Consumer DutyESGFinancial AdvisoryInvestmentsSimplifysustainable
Net zero approaches: Can these be converted into meaningful communications?
Facilitator: Ben MacGregor Expert: Thomas Hohne-Sparborth
17 November 2022A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - November 2022
CommunicationConsumer DutyNet ZeroPortfoliosRegulatory IssuessustainableWealth Management and Private Banking