After each Meeting Owen James publish 'The Findings', a document that encapsulates and shares the key issues and topics discussed on the day.
Each section below summarises the different roundtable sessions and covers an array of industry driven topics.
The Findings are listed in Event date order, but don't just look for an event you attended, explore the research facility that gives you access to topics addressed at all our other Meetings – past and present.
Lessons from America - Prepping for the great wealth transfer
Expert: Sebastian Lewis, Senior Strategist, Advisory Research Centre, Vanguard Facilitator: Paul Kearney, Asset Risk Consulting
13 June 2024A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - June 2024
AdvisorsCommunicationgenerationalInheritanceWealth managementWealth Management and Private Banking
Here to Serve - How to be all things to all people
Expert: William Rouse, UK Client Success and Sales Director, Avaloq Facilitator: Gilly Green (FoxRed Insight)
16 November 2023A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - November 2023
CommunicationDatadiversityFinancial servicesTechnologyWealth Management and Private Banking
Looking Ahead – Harnessing the power of data to drive personalised investor recommendations
Expert: Christine Ciriani, CEO, InvestCloud Facilitator: Michael Lawrence, Principal Consultant, Bovil
16 November 2023A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - November 2023
ClientCommunicationDataIntegrationTrainingWealth Management and Private Banking
Pricing Right – Meeting the competition while remaining competitive
Expert: Tony Hanlon, Director and Mehul Kotecha, Partner, Strategy & Transactions - Financial Services, EY Facilitator: Roopalee Dave, Partner - UK Wealth Management Lead, EY
16 November 2023A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - November 2023
CommunicationCompetitionConsumer DutyM&APricingWealth Management and Private Banking
Wealth Climbers – The family dynamics at play in the inter-gender wealth transfer
Expert: Peter Neufeld, Partner - Head of Digital Customer Experience, EMEIA, EY joined by Lynn Fay from the FCA Facilitator: Rupert Neville, Independent Consultant
16 November 2023A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - November 2023
advisersClient ExperienceCommunicationIntergenerationalWealth Management and Private BankingWealth Transfer
Transformation Success - Developing a mindset of continuous change
Expert: Kamal Patel, Head of Change and Technology, SEI Facilitator: Caroline Burkart, Aon
08 June 2023A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - June 2023
CommunicationcostDevelopmentManagementTransformationWealth Management and Private Banking
Net zero approaches: Can these be converted into meaningful communications?
Facilitator: Ben MacGregor Expert: Thomas Hohne-Sparborth
17 November 2022A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - November 2022
CommunicationConsumer DutyNet ZeroPortfoliosRegulatory IssuessustainableWealth Management and Private Banking
Net Zero: Targets are set but how do you implement them in your portfolio?
Moderator: David Barks, Savanta Expert: Tim Smith, Lazard
09 June 2022A Meeting of Minds Wealth Management and Private Banking - June 2022
CommunicationFiduciaryGreenwashingMetricNet ZeroRegulationWealth Management and Private Banking
Experts: Rachel Collins, Director, Financial Services, People Advisory Services, EY and Facilitator: Martyn Laverick Divisional Director M&A, Paul Harper Search and Selection
10 June 2021A Meeting of Minds - Wealth Management and Private Banking - 10 June 2021
Business ModelClientCommunicationCOVIDCulturediversityEmployeeEmployee engagementEmploymentHybridleadershipPrivate BankingRecruitmentremote workingRetentionTechnologyTrainingWealth Management and Private BankingYour business
Experts: Jessica Reed, Richard McDermott, Charlotte Fraser, Partners from Farrer & Co and Facilitator: Martyn Laverick Divisional Director M&A, Paul Harper Search and Selection
10 June 2021A Meeting of Minds - Wealth Management and Private Banking - 10 June 2021
AdviceClientCommunicationcomplianceEngagementFCAJourneyRegulationTrainingVulnerableVulnerable clientWealth Management and Private Banking